LeBoHA Past Programs

Lesotho Boston Health Alliance (LeBoHA) Past Programs

1) Strengthening Community Health Services in a Nurse-Driven Health System

  • Donor: Izumi Foundation
  • Project Period: May 2009 - April 2012

The goal of this quality improvement program is to sustainably improve the quality of primary care in the Leribe district through the continuing education of Registered Nurses from district health centers and Motebang’s Out-Patient Department in order to improve the delivery of hospital outpatient services, provide the necessary support systems to improve service delivery at the health centers, and enhance coordination between health centers and district hospitals.

  • Develop a continuing education program
  • Integration with other training opportunities in the Leribe district, especially those at Motebang Hospital
  • Compile guidelines and procedures for ambulatory care services
  • Strengthen and streamline the referral process
  • Address challenges in management and quality assurance
  • Build in sustainability

2) A Grant for Strengthening District Hospitals and Health Centres in Lesotho

  • Donor: W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Grantee: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
  • Sub Grantee: Bostong University Medical Center
  • Project Period: January 2007 - December 2011

Over a period of five years the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW), in cooperation with Boston University Medical Center (BUMC) will institute sustainable continuing medical and nursing education programs and a Family Medicine residency program, increase the return of Basotho physicians to Lesotho, improve the retention of Basotho nurses and physicians in Lesotho, transform two pilot district hospitals into vibrant, sustainable, well-utilized hospitals providing services of good quality in support of primary care and lay the groundwork for transforming other district hospitals in Lesotho.

  • Provide continuing nursing and physician education programs
  • Develop Family Medicine Training Program
  • Improve retention and return of Basotho nurses and physicians
  • Improve management capacity at two district hospitals
  • Develop the Lesotho Medical Association Journal
  • Conduct baseline surveys on nursing competences
  • Update Polices and Procedures as well as Standard of Care Manual for hospital based nursing
  • Developing competency-based curriculum for on site nursing refresher course
Download the annual reports for this program below

3) Baseline Study and Indicators Regarding the PPP National Hospital

  • Donor: International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Project Period: January 2009 - December 2010

Supports LeBoHA staff and consultants in collecting baseline date to be used for evaluating the performance of the new national referral hospital and in developing performance indicators that may be incorporated into the final contract for the operation of the new hospital.

  • Conduct baseline assessment of Queen Elizabeth II Hospital.
  • Derive appropriate performance indicators for Queen Elizabeth II Hospital.

4) Technical Consultant Regarding the PPP National Hospital

  • Donor: International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Project Period: December 2006

Supports Dr. Bicknell functioning as the medical adviser to the IFC with regard to the design parameters and bid process for the new national referral hospital in Maseru.

  • To allow Dr. Bicknell to consult in the design and bid process of the new national hospital in Maseru.

5) A Complementary Grant for Strengthening District Hospitals and Health Centres in Lesotho

  • Donor: W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Project Period: April 1, 2007 – September 30, 2009

This award is intended to provide operational flexibility in the implementation of the primary grant through the MOHSW.

  • Improve and institutionalize decision-making that does not rely on donor support, and links human and financial resources to policy choices and sustainable programs in support of district and other health services.
  • Redefine and reallocate roles and functions between the central MOHSW, other relevant central ministries and the districts.
  • Integrate team training of nurse clinicians at sites where Family Medicine residents are being trained and address the continuing education needs of other allied health workers, including laboratory and x-ray technicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and community health workers.
  • Achieve effective and interactive communication via high-speed internet connections between the sites where Family Medicine residency training is taking place as well as Bloemfontein and Boston.
  • Respond effectively and rapidly to unforeseen challenges, difficulties and opportunities in implementing the intent of the core grant funded through the MOHSW.
Download the reports for this program below

6) A Complementary Grant for Strengthening District Hospitals and Health Centres in Lesotho

  • Donor: USAID PACT
  • Project Period: December 2005 – January 2008 with follow-on funding anticipated of ~$50,000 as a sub-award through Population Services International (PSI)

The goal of LeBoHA’s work with and for the HIV/AIDS Directorate and the Family Health Division and funded by USAID/PACT is to increase the capacity of Community Caregivers to provide needed HIV/AIDS counseling, testing and treatment support services of good quality and further advance the Know Your Status campaign. The LeBoHA team is leading implementation of the Know Your Status campaign in the Berea district in partnership with the Berea District Health Management Team.

  • Conduct training on HIV/AIDS testing and care at the community level to all active Community Health Workers in the Berea district of Lesotho.
  • Provide technical assistance on developing systems for the management and supervision of Community Health Workers and establish clear roles and processes for Community Health Workers on testing and counseling as well as subsequent follow-up.
  • Identify and organize referral services and processes available outside of standard health facilities.
Download the report for this program below

7) A Planning Grant for Strengthening District Hospitals and Health Centres in Lesotho

  • Donor: W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • Project Period: January 2006 – December 2006

This award funded the development of a 5-year proposal with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for the sustainable strengthening of district hospitals and their associated health centers that lays out plans to institute sustainable continuing medical and nursing education programs and Family Medicine residency program, increase the return and retention of Basotho physicians to Lesotho, transform two pilot district hospitals into vibrant, sustainable, well-utilized hospitals providing services of good quality in support of primary care and lay the groundwork for transforming other district hospitals in Lesotho.

  • Completed qualitative and quantitative baseline assessment of three district hospitals.
  • Demonstrated the feasibility and desirability of transforming government hospitals into semi-autonomous institutions.
  • Identified and trained local consultants in the private for-profit, not-for-profit and university communities to serve as resources for the district hospitals.

8) Rapid Donor Survey for Lesotho Health Sector

  • Donor: International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Project Period: October 2005 – January 2006

The Boston team was requested to undertake an initial survey of non-governmental organizations active in the health sector in the country of Lesotho, focused on the capital city of Maseru and specifically in the area of HIV/AIDS and related diseases. The purpose of this study was to identify the nature, scope and commitment of these health services so as to avoid duplication and/or identify synergies with the services and operation of the new hospital planned under the Public Private Partnership agreement for the replacement of Queen Elizabeth II Hospital in Maseru.

  • Identified and disseminated providers and non-governmental organizations involved in HIV/AIDS testing in greater Maseru.
Download the report for this program below

9) Developing the Lesotho Primary Health Care Workforce: Nurse Clinicians and Family Medicine Physicians

  • Donor: U.S. State Department Africa Workforce Development
  • Project Period: October 2004 – September 2006

This project enabled the Boston team to begin a process that will improve the quality and accessibility of affordable and sustainable primary care, increase the nation’s capacity to respond to the burgeoning medical care demands of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and improve the recruitment and retention of nurses and physicians. A series of workshops and exchanges of health professionals between the U.S. and Lesotho took place.

  • An exchange of approximately 15 providers between Boston and Lesotho over two years.
Download the report for this program below

10) Urgent Need, Unique Opportunity: Teacher Training and Healthy Teachers

  • Donor: USAID Association Liaison Office
  • Project Period: April 2004 – September 2006

This activity began because of a specific request by the Deputy Prime Minister, then also Minister of Education, to focus on keeping teachers alive. This partnership between Boston University and the Lesotho College of Education aims to keep faculty, staff, and students HIV negative and if positive, maintain a healthy lifestyle until they begin ARV treatment in order to strengthen the education sector in Lesotho.

  • An HIV clinic opened in March of 2005. The clinic is busy and sustainable without foreign donor funds.
Download the report for this program below

11) Jump Starting Lesotho’s Response to HIV/AIDS: Problem Solving for Better Health (PSBH)

  • Donor: Dreyfus Health Foundation
  • Project Period: April 2004 – October 2006

This project introduced the Problem Solving for Better Health methodology to five groups of 50-60 individuals from the health sector, government ministries, schools, NGOs, FBOs, CBOs, the private sector, and community leaders to identify and solve identified problems related to HIV/AIDS. It is noteworthy that 1) this grant was agreed to in principle in September 2003 and served to kick off our activities in Lesotho and 2) PSBH is a core activity for management and clinical improvement within the framework of our Kellogg supported program to demonstrate the sustainable transformation of district hospitals.

  • Trained over 500 individuals in Lesotho in the Problem Solving for Better Health methodology.

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